Case Studies

Case Study 01

Started working with Keith & Jo back in 2016 - Both were in their 50’s, never had any kind of financial plan or strategy, and were walking through life thinking the pension will be their future retirement plan. At the time, had their own home, and a vacant block to build on.

After assessing their situation, we identified that the block wouldn’t be worth developing or holding onto, and they decided to sell to look for better opportunities.

Over the last 7 years, we helped them purchase another 5 properties spread across the country for a total of $1.9m

Their portfolio is now valued at over $3 million, bringing in positive cash-flow of $13,000 per annum and have a net worth of just over $2 million - they’re now multi-millionaires.

They’re now both working part-time and plan on retiring from the workforce at 63yo, spending more time with family, traveling and taking a round trip around Aus in 2026.

Case Study 02

Started working with Ned & Jess back in 2020. Both were in their late 20’s, both working FIFO and knew that property could be a good pathway for retirement, however, no idea how to even approach it. Jess had her own home prior to meeting Ned, and Ned had never bought a house before.

After spending time educating the clients and showing them a few different property strategies that would suit them and their goals, Ned & Jess now rent a large property next to a golf course on the beach that suits their lifestyle and rent out their 4 investment properties totaling $1.6 million.

Their portfolio is now valued at over $2 million, bringing in positive cash-flow of $10,500 per annum and have a net worth of just over $500k - They’re now half-way to being millionaires, just with the work we’ve done in the last 4 years.

They’re current goal is to be fully retired by 40yo, and are on track to reach this by 35yo.

Case Study 03

Started working with Cam & Mich back in 2016. Both were in their late 30’s, both working in their business and were never interested in property – always thought it was far too slow. Only owning one home in Craigie, they became open to the idea once they met Corey and he showed them how to leverage property to support & diversify their business.

After showing Cam & Mich the potential of the QLD market, they decided to invest in the QLD market first due to it’s huge potential, and then again in the WA prior to the 2021 property boom.

Their portfolio is now valued around $3 million, and have a net worth of just over $1.5m - They’re now almost multi-millionaires, just with the work we’ve done in the last 6 years.

They’re current goal is to be fully retired by 50yo, and are well & truly on track!

Case Study 04

Started working with Josh back in 2020. Single, late 20’s, never bought a home before and working FIFO as an Engineer.

After working with Josh and teaching him the mechanics of property investment, we decided that cash-flow was Josh’s main priority so that he can reduce his swings and spend more time traveling and going to various music festivals around the world.

Over the last 3 years, we helped Josh purchase 2 side-by-side multi-occupancy properties for under $1 million:

While Josh’s focus wasn’t so much on growth, he’s made over $100k in the last two years, however, because of his strategy, both properties are bringing in +$14,000 per year in positive cash-flow (after tax).

Josh is using this income to cover his personal travel expenses and in mid-2023 is currently in Europe traveling for 6-months.